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Please, add a tracker subscription function.

by Guest on 2019/11/27 08:07:52 AM    
Update tracker list every day automatically.

Thank you.
by loninappleton on 2019/12/03 05:33:32 PM    

Is there a way to do this in the profile import/export for all transfers?
by Guest on 2019/12/21 01:31:46 PM    
bitcomet client have this feature
by Guest on 2020/03/09 09:22:39 PM    

have a cool tracker list on github
by Guest on 2020/03/10 12:56:09 PM    
by Guest on 2020/03/10 11:04:22 PM    
If implemented this feature, need support for basic redirects, to support lists, not only direct txt links, and option to add just udp, http, or both, to filter.
by Guest on 2020/03/22 01:41:47 AM    
I agree, but need a setting to restrict the number of imported trackers, example, using a top 20 trackers, just import the first 4 trackers.
by Guest on 2020/03/31 02:23:49 AM    
I have had DHT-only torrents that were completely stalled for weeks get completely enlivened by adding a list of public trackers to them.

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