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Feature: Pulling Trackers List from URL

by Guest on 2021/05/24 10:44:12 PM    
Could we get a feature that where we could put in a URL to grab and add a list. Example, we put in this URL (link removed by Mod and sent to Devs) and it will auto add to new torrents. Could we also get a block/remove trackers by URL also.
Would love this feature and it would save me time updating my trackers list. Thanks
by frankeee on 2021/06/28 01:46:47 PM    
This would be a fantastic feature, we have some online sources for trackers which auto-update:


So if we could auto-update what gets added to new and current torrents it would make life simpler!
by Time on 2021/06/30 04:17:53 AM    
Yeah I put in a URL but it was removed by mods. Must be because I forgot to log in. Says it's made by Guest. (I'm the OP)
by Guest on 2021/06/30 10:33:26 AM    
agree man
by melt on 2021/11/17 06:05:53 PM    
by Jornweick on 2022/04/20 07:24:54 PM    
That is so cool
by Guest on 2023/05/13 11:32:02 PM    
+1. This would be a great feature to have!
by Guest on 2023/05/21 03:59:48 AM    
This feature is very commendable!

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