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Close button/Hide occasionally doesn't work on 3.32 on Linux

by Guest on 2025/01/24 03:30:09 PM    
First of all, thank you for Tixati, it is by far the best torrent client I've used.

I had not encountered this bug in 3.31, clicking the X button does... nothing, same for the tray icon menu's "Hide". Selecting "Show" through the tray icon seems to fix this; it does the animation of bringing up the window, and the X button and Hide from tray menu work again.

If I notice anything else I'll report back, I have a vague recollection of it happening only with automatic startup however take this with a grain of salt.

Thank you.
by kostet on 2025/01/25 02:36:34 AM    
Confirm. This is a variation of bug since 3.29.
by mehdus on 2025/01/26 09:35:03 AM    
This happens to me too when I start Tixati with -starthiddenintray option.
by Guest on 2025/01/26 02:22:16 PM    
OP-> are you using -starthiddenintray option.
mehdus -> what OS are you using?
by Guest on 2025/01/27 03:28:56 PM    
Yes, the startup command is "/usr/bin/tixati -starthiddenintray -d1" to be specific, although I can reproduce it without the delay part.
Tixati does appear in the taskbar when using the option. If the window is brought up through the taskbar the close button does not work.
by Guest on 2025/01/28 03:40:12 AM    
Are you sure that the x(close) button is set to exit and not minimize?
I tried this in linux and it closes as it should if I press the x(close) button.
by Guest on 2025/01/28 12:23:19 PM    
I might have not made my use case clear.
I want tixati to automatically launch and stay in tray. When launching with "startintray", it will show up in tray but also the taskbar. Showing the window through the taskbar icon makes the "X" button not work (which is set to Hide to tray, removing the window from the taskbar).

Admittedly, the workaround is fairly easy (showing through the tray icon). If I had to guess, tixati think it's already hidden when starting and that window appears in the taskbar.

If I need to provide more details to my setup, please let me know.
by janet on 2025/01/28 04:02:25 PM    
Thanks for reporting this.
We have been able to recreate this and it should be fixed in the next version.
by mehdus on 2025/02/04 10:30:38 AM    
Sorry for the late reply, I am using 3.32 portable on LinuxMint.

Glad a fix for this issue is on the way.

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