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Old version

by Guest on 2024/09/11 05:27:33 PM    
Can I use an older version of Tixati?
It was faster to start up; now it's so slow.
by Guest on 2024/09/14 11:43:48 PM    
Can you use an older version? Or your own PC? Why not, is anyone stopping you?

Should you though? If it contains a major bug or worse security hole, preferably not, unless you have a really good reason and know what you are doing.

Ultimately, it is your machine and so the responsibility is all yours. (Can't believe someone has to actually explicitly spell that out. 🙄)
by Guest on 2024/09/16 08:56:47 AM    
Oh wow, thank you, kind stranger, for illuminating me with such groundbreaking wisdom! 🙄 Clearly, I was completely unaware that I could make decisions on my own machine, and it’s so comforting to know I have your permission to use an older version. As for spelling things out—yes, sometimes people do need to provide actual helpful answers instead of vague, condescending remarks. But hey, thanks for the life-altering revelation!
by Guest on 2024/09/17 01:04:26 AM    
There's an old maxim that you would do well to imbibe - GIGO, i.e. Garbage In, Garbage Out.

Also known as - Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer.

Hopefully that's enough of a life-altering revelation for you - certainly looks like you need one.
by Guest on 2024/09/18 07:10:30 PM    
perhaps your english is not good so you wrote wrong.

what you should write is "where do i get old versions?"


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