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[Request] ban peers who leeched overstep 100%

by Guest on 2024/08/18 03:48:58 PM    
Dear developers:

This is a new mutation of  .

Now in China, the mutation is sending random ID/ClientName, client filter can't be applied to it,
and I also can't block all the peers from China, because I live in China.

by Guest on 2024/08/20 09:01:44 PM    
It sounds like this is some kind of organizations, with datacenters?  If so, you can use IP whois lookup to find their IP ranges to put in a IP-filter blacklist.  In the lookup, you can also find the organizations AS-number (example AS12345).  This number you can use to find all the IP ranges for an organization.
I used the list in this topic as basis to build my own custom datacenter filter.
by Guest on 2024/08/21 03:18:47 PM    
From Guest on 2024/08/18 03:48:58 PM

It sounds like this is some kind of organizations, with datacenters?

Yes, but not the all, there also has many personal actions.

A new project here (  )
collect many IPs of them, but does not collected the all too.

Now a new mutation a faker of qBittorrent is coming,
seems is not included in the BTN rules project,
and it also need manual ban in Tixati as like random mutation.

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