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Please can dev fix these Tixati v3.xx Bugs

by Guest on 2024/03/23 01:57:17 PM    
Bitfield values always 0 in Tixati v3 (Always worked OK in Tixati V2)

Tixati shows Wrong Percent for peer

I often see maybe 10 peers (in a single download) who all say something like 77% complete, when they should say 100% complete.
These aren't people who deselected files within a download, just somehow the completion % broke introduced in V3 Tixati

Same thing for bitfield display in the event logs, ALWAYS shows "0 of x,xxx pieces" when the peer. A variable's value has gone amiss in Tixati v3 I suspect?
This is definitely a bug as I've tested extensively.

Please please please could this be fixed followed by donation as my gratitude. Thank you so much.

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