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[BUGS?] Minor bugs experienced with Tixati v3.19 - Wrong Percent

by Guest on 2023/07/24 02:34:43 AM    
Hi Tixati team,

I'm using v3.19 on windows 64 bit

In the peers tab info we are supposed to see:

100% Both peers complete

But increasingly, you see random figures due to a coding bug

18% Both peers complete
64% Both peers complete
79% Both peers complete

Please can this be looked into as something is not quite right

This log below shows "64% Both peers complete" and Tixati log integer value is always wrong at "0" pieces.

[12:50:44]  starting
[12:50:44]  receiving secure incoming v1 connection
[12:50:44]  logged in
[12:50:44]  sent bitfield
[12:50:45]  remote is partial seed
[12:50:45]  received bitfield, 0 of 1044 pieces complete

========== Observations ==========

1) A peer cannot be "complete" with 0 pieces
2) A peer cannot be "complete" at 64% completion (or other random integer 0-99%)
3) somehow this bitfield integer value (within Tixati logs) has become disassociated in the main program code
4) Even downloads with '1 single file' in the file-list area can have the above symptom, so it's NOT possible to be caused by my peer de-selecting some files in their download list.
5) therefore this is thought to a bug
6) Would be very nice if KH looks into this please.

Can anybody else replicate these findings?
You might need to increase your logging values from "level=2" to "level=3"

PEERS     level=3

Then to view these logs, TRANSFERS screen, PEERS tab, look for logs saying Both Peers Complete but a number less than "100"

by notaLamer on 2023/08/12 12:27:01 AM    
1) A peer cannot be "complete" with 0 pieces
This is wrong ;) A peer can select 0 files for download and be complete at 0 pieces. This is problematic for trackers when they only show "peers, seeds" counts because partial (not impartial) seeds don't actually hold 100% for seeding.
by Guest on 2023/08/12 11:44:37 PM    
Hey notaLamer,

Thanks for your reply

These are definitely bugs that I've raised;

I doubt very many people deselect files when downloading a torrent, I still see issues with Tixati reporting "13% Both Peers complete" even when only 1 file is inside the download.
That would suggest '1 file' could either be represented as '0/50/100' percent but not 13% reporting as "both peers complete" - that makes no sense - hence is a bug.
You must have seen this. It happens in almost every download logs. In the peers tab. Highly reproducible.

Think these issues all started in v3 of Tixati. Cannot ever remember seeing it in Tixati v2.

Whilst reading other forum posts, the Bitfield values were reporting correctly ie 1,025 of 1,025 when complete (which is correct)

With Tixati v3 the coding 'integer' that prints the %d value inside the logs has become disassociated with the true value, hence always reporting itself as 0 pieces of 1,234 (etc)

Hoping the bugfixes can be applied soon enough,  

I just want this software to work perfectly, that's all...

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