by Guest on 2024/03/13 01:57:47 PM
Debian 12.5
Tixati in /usr/local/bin
user account in vboxsf group
It appears tixati can only write to folders with explicit user permissions for r/w, or for Others r/w access and not groups the user is in.
Is this a me issue?
OK button is greyed out anywhere but /tmp/* or /home/user/* when selecting directory for Upon completion, move to this location: (same for other directory choices)
by Guest on 2024/03/13 02:50:18 PM
I saw in this post running tixati 'sg vboxsf -c tixati' as the vboxsf group makes the directory selection work and OK is not greyed out anymore, but that introduces issues of its own and other permissions errors that tixati needs system access vboxsf does not have permission for.
Fyi, my /etc/group shows 'vboxsf:x:994:user'
I think I will try to manually mount the shared folder with explicit permissions
by Guest on 2024/03/14 04:35:31 PM
It's been awhile since I've used linux, so I'm not sure where to drop a manual mount command that runs with root at runlevel 5 on boot (maybe manually activate rc.local?). I turned off auto mount in virtualbox and created a folder at /media/sharedfolder with user as owner, vboxsf group, others all read/write access, and just run
sudo mount -t vboxsf -o rw,uid=1000,gid=994 sharedfolder /media/sharedfolder
manually at every boot for now.
by Guest on 2024/03/14 10:52:03 PM
Have been running Tixati fine for years with 'sg vboxsf -c tixati', never once had any kind of issue with Tixati running like this, even across 50+ seedboxes.