Why is he only one?
Tixati creates a lock.dat semaphore file during startup, which allows scripts to track its status or crash.
Sometimes it is necessary to terminate tixati correctly remotely, for example, to backup a BD.
Please add the "exit.dat" semaphore file, when it appears in the working directory, the program would end, as if the "exit" button was clicked with the mouse.
Termination task by external system utilities sometimes leads to database corruption.
pkill, taskkill - not solution.
In some cases, the system freezes, the UI is not available, and creating exit.dat via scp is the only way to exit it correctly!
WBR, hikikomori.
Yes, because /7399 not take effect.
I have a slow PC and big BD 1.9Gb; if I blindly cancel a task, it’s unclear when it will actually complete.
Need to sit in htop and watch: is this correct? will it work?
I want the program to complete itself, and not kill it outside.