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feature request: trackpad 2-finger scroll through list of peers

by Guest on 2023/12/14 12:05:34 AM    
would be very nice to have. doesn't do this now. it is a web standard and very useful so we don't have to keep hitting d/u arrow keys or use vertical scroll bars. thanks.

ps colored numbers won't work for people with red/green color blindness...
by notaLamer on 2023/12/18 03:21:23 AM    
Your trackpad driver is supposed to convert this to mouse wheel scrolls I think, I wouldn't know why it's only not working in the peer list? Did you click inside before scrolling?
by Guest on 2024/08/02 06:18:02 PM    
Automatic conversion to mouse scrolls withs with x11, but not with Wayland.

For some reason under Wayland scrolling via trackpad works everywhere but in TIXATI.

That only applies to trackpad as scrolling using an external mouse (USB or bluetooth) works fine.

So in a nutshell the orignal bug filling is accurate: trackpad scrolling is not working under Wayland. And that requires a fix in tixati not in the system (because other apps handle trackpad scrolling just fine)
by gembrot on 2024/08/11 11:49:43 AM    
Created this ticket to get trackapad scrolling fixed under wayland: https://forum.tixati.com/support/8150
by janet on 2024/08/23 03:49:21 AM    
Upgrade to v3.29, this should be fixed.

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