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"Open Folder", Win32 and custom file explorers

by notaLamer on 2022/06/28 09:58:40 PM    
I don't remember if I've reported it before. When a custom file explorer is installed and made the default, "Open Folder" in Tixati still opens Windows Explorer.

An example to test: Q-Dir by SoftwareOK is an old and free explorer replacement.
1. Install Q-Dir
2. Launch
3. In the menu bar at the top go to Settings -> Q-Dir by default -> Click on Folders
4. A new window has opened, stay on tab current user HKCU
5. Enable "I'm an expert" at the bottom
6. Now you can set Q-Dir as the default to open folders. Try navigating in Windows Explorer, each folder will open Q-Dir instead.
7. Click on "Open Folder" in Tixati
8. Tixati still launches Windows Explorer???

Expected: Tixati to launch the user's default explorer.
Tixati v2.89 and earlier, Windows 7 x64

This doesn't happen with the SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems API call. If you use this call, then Q-Dir is opened. Although it doesn't auto-select the items (probably QDir's problem).
Firefox also uses this API:  hint: Cocoa and GNOME implementations are there too
by ZarkBit on 2022/06/29 10:56:46 PM    
by notaLamer on 2022/07/01 10:47:07 PM    
Thank you, I couldn't find the thread despite several search attempts.
I managed to find the root cause of the issue in only 11 months! WIN

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