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Auto-cycle "dead" downloads in queue?

by Student.3349 on 2021/06/10 07:02:29 PM    
Thank you ALL in the community for this outstanding software!

If you have more seeds than seed slots, Tixati will automatically "cycle" through the seeds. If no one is requesting one seed, that seed is put in 'standby mode' and another seed takes its slot.
How should I change my settings if I want Tixati to aotumatically "cycle" through inactive downloads?

I have 500+ rare downloads. They are getting seeded, just not very often. I've noticed that having all 500+ downloads active at the same time mean Tixati's performance is impacted.

What I want:
Let's say tixati tries to look for peers to download torrent . If no peers are found after 5 minutes, I want Tixati to put this torrent at the back of the queue, and use that download slot for a different torrent. (Similar to how it handles the seed queue.)
That way I'd be able to have these rarely-seeded downloads queued up, without suffering the significant performance loss caused by having all 500+ downloads active at the same time. With the current settings, it will only start the next waiting download after one of the previous downloads is finished.

Current settings:
Auto-manage slots: Downloads☑
maxextraslots=[2500 8 40]    //max extra download slots, can be a plain integer, or [ *dlslots/1000 min max ]
windowdur=170    //look at bandwidth going back this many seconds
windowtaperdur=10    //and this many additional seconds with a weight tapering to zero
avgdur=25    //average speed must be maintained over this many seconds
minratefactor=700    //no action unless average speed is lower than throttle * this number / 1000
startwait=120     //no action until it's been this many seconds since a download started running (not queued)
stopwait=45      //no action until it's been this many seconds since a running download was re-queued or stopped
startupwait=180    //no action until it's been this many seconds since program startup or offline state (no dht traffic for 20 sec)
by Guest on 2021/06/12 07:26:02 PM    
I agree, Auto Manage Slot feature is very deficient, I also posted about it look:


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