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How about Translations?

by f74ezqvgsvvnngk7hcuiz2dmudr7jw23vn5x3wgvuolcrntypana on 2014/03/23 12:45:31 PM    
Tixati is a great program to use
however, some of my friends have an english knowledge as big as yes, no ,and hello
if you Devs can implement a multilingual support, I can help with some translations

by Guest on 2014/03/30 02:04:53 PM    
+1 from Russia
by Guest on 2016/05/24 09:25:23 PM    
I can translate to portuguese
by Guest on 2016/09/19 07:23:23 PM    
Many many suggestions of languages and volunteers for string translation :D
by blx32 on 2017/04/19 08:42:40 PM    
Eu posso traduzir para português brasileiro sem problemas.
I am able to translate into Brazilian Portuguese without any problems.
by janet on 2021/05/16 09:43:22 PM    
There is now the ability to translate Tixati.

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