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How about a remove tracker "remove from all entries"

by larryja on 2018/05/19 01:38:09 PM    
How about a remove tracker "remove from all entries of torrent"? Recently some tracker on my global list became infected with virus, so each time one torrent announces to it, boom, anti-virus beep.
by Guest on 2018/05/29 10:48:23 PM    
+1 for this--would be very helpful.

Add to this the ability to globally update (add 'or' overwrite option!) to all trackers for all torrents.

It would be nice to have a "save to text file" feature of the current STATE of torrents' trackers (peers tab would be great, too).  In addition to this, give me the option for a text output file, for each torrent, of the current STATE of trackers for it.  Let me choose the directory where this is written to, please.

The reason I ask, is that I'd like to be able to dump that state of all my torrents to a share, and using standard linux/bash tools, quickly sort them out the way I want them.  I could use this for more global monitoring of the health of my torrent connections, or use it as input to pare down the trackers and globally update them, etc...

Thank you.
by Pete on 2018/06/03 09:03:33 PM    
You can use this workaround to replace trackers for multiple transfers:

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