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found bug that makes downloads 10x slower, easy workaround
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by Guest on 2018/04/18 09:57:35 AM    
I found this serious tixati bug which causes slow downloads on tixati2.57 on win10-64, but I also found an easy workaround.

to replicate the bug: start tixati portable, go to the bandwidth screen and set an upload limit and dont enable a download limit. go to the transfers screen and start some downloads. notice the download speed. now go to the bandwidth screen and without changing anything notice the download speed, it will immediatelly go higher than it was when you were in the transfers screen. go back to the transfers screen and you will see the download speed immediately going very slowly. repeat ad nauseam, whenever you go to the transfers screen your downloads will be slow and the moment you switch to the bandwidth screen your downloads will go fast and stay fast as long as you stay on the bandwidth screen. if you set a download limit in the bandwidth screen the behaviour will be the same, your downloads will only reach the highest possible speed only if you are in the bandwidth screen and whenever you switch to the transfers screen your downloads will go as slow as molasses.

easy workaround: when you download just stay on the bandwidth screen, dont go to the transfers screen.

speeds witnessed: with the same torrents, on the transfer screen they download at 150-200kB/s, the moment I switch to the bandwidth screen the torrents immediately increase their download speed and reach 2000-2200KB/s which is about the max of my connection. this is more than 10x difference, and maybe the difference could be even higher if i had a faster connection.

i also tested doing ftp/http downloads outside tixati while being in the transfers screen in tixati to make sure the issue is not related to my connection. never had a problem with ftp/http downloads outside tixati so the problem is not related to my connection. it is indeed a tixati bug. i can repeat this behaviour anytime i switch between the transfers and bandwidth screens.
by Guest on 2019/01/22 10:19:24 PM    
Same Here version 2.58

i thought i was going crazy and im so glad i found this from googling after i noticed.

~1000k when on transfers window then when i switch to bandwidth window ~3000k after a few seconds.

if i switch back it goes back down after a few seconds.
by Guest on 2019/01/26 01:13:39 PM    
I had no idea this was even a problem as I have gigabit net. I was amazed to find the same results myself. My downloads almost triple in speed or more if I leave it on the bandwidth window, and then slow down a great deal in short order when on the transfers screen. I had no idea Tixati was doing this all this time.
by Guest on 2019/01/26 10:16:53 PM    
what OS?

is the transfers tab the only tab that makes the speed go down?

press the help button and go to diagnostics->CPU Usage, choose all and see what area is affected when you go back and forth between tabs. then run the graph for that specific area and report back what numbers are affected.
by Guest on 2019/02/05 12:10:14 AM    
some Windows Update tanked GDI performance to Windows 3 levels. Maybe it might be that if the problem did not happen on Win10 1607.
by Guest on 2019/02/16 05:42:45 PM    
Same here, 2.58, Windows 10 1809.

The CPU graphs only show a spike under "GUI", not much else.
by Guest on 2019/03/14 11:10:35 PM    
If anyone is wondering, this problem was caused by a Win10 update last year that really screwed up text rendering performance, and Tixati wasn't the only app effected.

Really, Windows is becoming such a garbage operating system, and brain-dead crap like this is putting a stone around the Tixati developer's neck.

I'm sure they'll end up finding a work-around after many many hours of trial and error.
by BRMateus2 on 2019/03/16 05:14:04 AM    
This does not happen in Linux, no bugs found in Linux either, just as an information.
by KH on 2019/03/17 01:55:14 AM    
This problem seems to only affect certain builds of Windows 10.  Version 2.59 has some fixes that may help.

If anyone gets this problem in v2.59 or newer, please post a screenshot of the window at Help > Diagnostics > CPU Usage > GUI Detail.  Make sure the transfers view is the current view, with the peers tab visible, and let it log CPU like that for a little while so we can have a good reading on the chart.
by Guest on 2019/03/17 10:22:33 AM    
https://imgur.com/a/mESwAND  I've uploaded two screenshots, one for "Cpu usage - all" and the other for "Memory allocation rate - all".

The bug occurs on any window inside tixati, makes no difference which one is selected.
The visible drop in the both graphs occurs when I open back up tixati from the tray.

OS: Windows 10 Pro 10.0.17763 Build 17763
by Guest on 2019/03/18 10:55:44 PM    
by Guest on 2019/03/17 05:22:33 AM    
https://imgur.com/a/mESwAND   I've uploaded two screenshots, one for "Cpu usage - all" and the other for "Memory allocation rate - all".

The bug occurs on any window inside tixati, makes no difference which one is selected.
The visible drop in the both graphs occurs when I open back up tixati from the tray.

OS: Windows 10 Pro 10.0.17763 Build 17763

what version of tixati? v2.59 was just released.
by FrankB on 2019/03/21 11:58:36 AM    
2.59, the bug sadly persist, it's basically the equivalent of "if you're looking it ain't cookin" If I'm downloading tixati needs to be down in the tray.

p.s. I was the guest who posted the images before
by Guest on 2019/03/22 01:38:13 AM    
FrankB -> post a pic of what KH said:
If anyone gets this problem in v2.59 or newer, please post a screenshot of the window at Help > Diagnostics > CPU Usage > GUI Detail.  Make sure the transfers view is the current view, with the peers tab visible, and let it log CPU like that for a little while so we can have a good reading on the chart.
by FrankB on 2019/03/22 12:17:31 PM    
https://imgur.com/a/H3WpCd4  There you go, as requested, top is when open on transfer tab+peers bottom when reduced to tray, shown in the gap
by Guest on 2019/03/22 02:31:13 PM    
Neither 2.58 nor 2.59 display this behavior on Windows 7.

I guess it's because you can actually own a PC with Windows 7, *BSD or Linux, but Windows 10 was made to own Your PC instead of you, and thus it interferes with task/network scheduling, gives away Your data etc etc.
by Guest on 2019/04/07 05:09:40 PM    
Same happens on Ubuntu 16.04, when you bring Tixati to the front Upload or Download rate goes down.
by Guest on 2019/04/08 02:58:22 AM    
Ya I confirm the bug aswell. Been keeping an eye on this thread and i run latest Tixati and Win10 x64. Download speed drops heavy switching fronts. So freakin annoying when software is great in all other aspects.
by swetnap on 2019/05/03 04:11:27 AM    
I have to bump this thread, as I got to notice the same thing today and before already.
My line speed is 200mbps downstream, so around 25 MB/s - I barely reach these speeds though, even with a healthy ubuntu iso.

OS is Windows 10 v1809 (most recent stable version), with pretty new hardware installed (i7-8700k, 16GB DDR4-3200 RAM ect.) - the HDD the torrents are saved to is working since 2016 or so, and does its job still. Other BT-clients fill up my line speed just fine on the same drive, while Tixati is somewhere at 4-8 MB/s.

The huge brown spike in the graph came from resizing the windows popping up with CPU Usage - GUI - FYI!

Tixati version is v2.59

by Guest on 2019/05/03 05:46:55 AM    
The bug persists in latest Windows 10 x64 update with Tixati 2.59
by Guest on 2019/05/10 05:10:51 AM    
i found another bug when i changed windows 10 to windows 7 i got a problem this copy of windows is not genuine build 7601 i fixed it sometimes . then i could not fix it the limit has exceeded it show. then tixati went very fast in the bandwidth section . but its very slow in the transfer section it takes 2 days i had to run it through the night know it needs 14 hours :((((
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