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found bug that makes downloads 10x slower, easy workaround
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by Guest on 2022/09/02 04:10:41 AM    
Not helping. I have over 20 peers but dropped from 2000k to 80k stayed between 90k and 44k. Will not top 100k
by Guest on 2022/09/08 10:51:35 AM    
Indeed, this issue persists in v3.11. The original workaround (keeping Tixati open in the Bandwidth tab) worked again when I disabled the status bar under Settings > User Interface > Widget Styles. The speeds are also normal when you minimize Tixati; as stated in the topic and other comments, viewing the Transfers tab is what causes the speed drop.
by umnin on 2022/12/03 06:20:34 AM    
v3.12 Also notice when you open tixati from minimized state download speed drops drastically.
by Ratbert on 2022/12/05 01:55:38 PM    
I have noticed this behaviour over the years and versions but I have assumed it has to do with UI vs network processing.  If I have a lot of torrents and they are all actively connected seeding and leeching then sitting on the transfer window or having a lot of torrent property details windows open seems to affect transfer speeds.  I have always assumed it has been my ancient Win7 torrent machine with limited memory and little parallel threading capability.

These windows have a lot of information to be calculated and displayed; likewise with a lot of active torrents the data transfer/network side of things will be busy indeed.  I have always been too lazy to do any diagnostics and my observations really are just anecdotal. Any conclusions are just WAGs.   The devil is always in the details. I rarely see the problem now (3.12).

Depending on your network connection there can also be channel saturation issues between upload and download.   I have also seen this apparent behaviour but it turned out to be just coincidental with stuff happening at the seeder/leecher end or because of my network provider.   Crap happens even with gig fiber.

Motivated people should look at the CPU/memory stats when a problem happens.

The conflict, if any, may be at the OS level rather than anything Tixati does.  Every version of Windows I have used has UI and network performance and stability issues.   I would be curious if the same thing happens on Linux.
by Guest on 2024/10/25 04:45:06 PM    
Still happening in v3.29

Literally can't even look at the transfer tabs.

I either have to minimise to tray or switch to the bandwidth tab.
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