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New icon and splash

by Guest on 2016/12/29 01:56:05 PM    
I thought the icon and splash was looking not so great, so I made replacements. You can use them if you want :D
(link removed by mod)
by EthericBliss on 2017/09/14 05:42:52 AM    
Would have been interested in your design BUT unfortunately, the link is DEAD. : (

MAAYBE y'all could UL and keep her there for, like, EVER?? LOL!! I know... but still... anyway, at LEAST for a BIT longer. : ) I know, ALMOST coming up on a year. : P

Anyway, is there any way that you can re-up this one?? : ) IDK. Maybe you didn't have a LOT of response and DL's... regardless, I would LOVE to see what you've got. : )

Thanks, in advance. : ) -EB

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