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File Too Large Error
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by Guest on 2024/05/10 06:40:19 PM    
Please fix. The error makes it impossible to continue a Download.

Happens mostly on updated torrents.
For example a torrent with a large book collection that you have already downaloaded gets updated (new books + changed books versions).
You download the new torrent version and let the filecheck run, which results in "File Too Large" error.
by Guest on 2024/05/24 10:40:35 PM    
I have gotten that error before, and have determined the cause:

When I download a torrent with a single file, I have it set to not create a subfolder for it.  Say the file downloading is named 01.mp4.  If I then download another torrent that is only a single file and that file is too named 01.mp4, while not creating a subfolder for the torrent, it will conflict with the other 01.mp4 file in the download folder.  And hence, tixati reports the "file too large" error.
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