by Guest on 2015/02/10 09:23:26 PM
I'm exploring the idea of building a Linux TorrentBox, and using Tixati as the torrent client. The box will be headless (no monitor/keyboard/mouse attached) and controlled largely with ssh and/or web interface.
I've tested Tixati's web interface on a local machine and it work flawlessly. My only questions are:
1. How can I set the category of a torrent using the web interface, assuming I already setup/define several custom categories beforehand?
2. In Settings/Web Interface, there's the "HTML Templates" section. It is set to "(use default templates)", and there's "Select Folder" button. Does this mean I could use my own templates? Where/how can I get some sample templates as well the docs for it? The "Create Examples" button is always greyed.
3. Can Tixati run as daemon only, not needing X windows hence cut down RAM requirements? All normal operations will be controlled by the web interface anyways.
4. Related to #3, can Tixati be configured by editing some config/resource file only, thus not needing to go full GUI only for initial setup on the TorrentBox (hence trimming down X windows/Desktop Environment altogether from the base OS)?
by Guest on 2015/09/18 08:36:16 AM
This is perhaps not on the topic but I was trying to figure out a way to do something similar
but with the host box running Mac OS X, I thought there would be a way to take the Linux executable they have of Tixati and somehow use HomeBrew to install GTK
requirements, but I've failed many times.