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How to install and configure Tixati without GUI

by ethan86 on 2018/08/22 01:06:42 PM    
Hi every one
Is it possible to install tixati on a remote server (VPS) that has no GUI and then configure to access it via web URL from a client?
If it is possible how can I configure and enable web interface from terminal?
by Pete on 2018/08/28 07:42:55 AM    
I don't know if it's even possible. You can't configure Tixati without GUI, so the only way is to do it locally and copy settings files.
by desmond on 2024/08/26 01:35:38 PM    
I just used this solution:https://superuser.com/questions/745235/fake-desktop-environment-on-debian-server

It uses about 400M additional storage and 250M RAM.

apt-get install xvfb screen

/usr/bin/Xvfb :10 &   # This will launch Xvfb

screen bash -c "export DISPLAY=:10.0 && tixati"

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