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Lock symbol meaning?

by Guest on 2013/08/24 11:05:22 PM    
Hi there, several of my downloads are showing a lock symbol and are returning an 'unknown protocol' message. Despite showing that there are several peers seeding, once I download the torrent file and open it in Tixati, I cannot download and there are no peers found. Please help. Thank you.
by Pete on 2013/08/25 10:03:20 AM    
The lock symbol is described in this help page: Transfers View. Did you get "unknown protocol" message when loading magnet link or torrent file?
by Pete on 2013/08/27 10:00:21 AM    
Once I got this error:
tracker error: Unsupported protocol > dht://infohashofthetorrent
It was a magnet link without a tracker, it had tr=dht%3A%2F%2Finfohashofthetorrent instead. I don't remember where I got this magnet link.

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