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download 1 file at a time

by TheBossX2 on 2014/09/10 03:34:44 AM    
thanks for the software its nice, but the thing is i have a slow internet because my internet is shared with 3 guys, so i want to set tixati to download only 1 file at a time from the list of my torrents. when you do a queue there is a option to set download 1 file at the same time.

thanks in advance.
by Guest on 2014/09/10 01:54:00 PM    

Click Settings, Transfers, General
then change Download slots to 1
you can also change the number of upload slots from there as well
by Guest on 2018/07/12 10:04:29 PM    
I see download slots set to 2 and still have like 8 active torrents downloading with 8 queued. IO have closed and reopened program and rebooted...any ideas?
by Guest on 2018/07/13 03:16:41 PM    
in the settings-transfers-general->you probably have the 'recycle unused upload slots for download' checked. turn that off to limit your downloads.
by shag00 on 2018/07/16 03:24:39 AM    
There is always the big red stop button...

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