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Question about private tracker bans.

by nasuno on 2014/09/09 09:49:11 AM    
Have used seedboxes for many years.
Upgraded to a Dedicated server with much bandwidth.
Would like to use Tixati for my account.
Don't want to get banned for using odd client.
I have disabled DHT, PEX and LPD in the client.
Will Tixati follow these rules I have chosen in the GUI?
Trackers ask people to not use but a few listed clients because they don't follow the rules as configured by the user. Or so they say.
Will I have any such problems with Tixati?
If so were the problems addressed or are we good to go?
Would hate to get banned but I do so enjoy your product, it works swell for my public trackers on my home machine.
by Guest on 2014/09/10 10:26:32 AM    
You don't have to disable anything.

If a torrent has the little padlock it won't use the DHT PEX or LPD.

But you definitely will encounter some private tracker operators with various superstitions for and against all the various clients for all sorts of dumb reasons.  So don't be surprised if some have objections to using anything but uTorrent.  Some private tracker people get a little carried away with their "authority" LOL
by Guest on 2014/09/12 06:02:01 PM    
And as per the above stated, what you can do in that regard is letting your private tracker admins about Tixati and suggesting they should allow it since it's a great client used by more and more people every day.

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