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Small numbers of seeds and peers.

by Guest on 2014/09/04 11:17:29 PM    
Hello folks, i was wondering if you have a very small number of seeds and peers showing which could be the cause of a very slow download,are there any tweaks you can apply to the various settings when the problem may be due to lack of traffic or participants in the download. I thought i had read something in the guidelines that you could tweak when you have small numbers of seeds and peers involved in a download, but i have not been able to locate it again.
by Guest on 2014/09/12 07:11:37 PM    
The problem you describe relates to whatever sites and torrents you're using, and potentially your own system's configuration or limitations - it has nothing to do with Tixati, or any other bittorrent client.

Immediate potential solutions:

-Find alternative torrents with the same contents, with more seeds (no miracles, if there aren't);

-Revert your torrent client options to the default, in case you manually altered the number of seeds/peers it can use, or just plain increase those numbers (check the guides below for recommended values).

Relevant info you may need to explore in order to improve your bittorrenting experience:

-Description of the Bittorrent protocol and how it works:

-Tixati optimization guide:

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