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What does timed out connecting mean!?

by Guest on 2014/09/01 03:07:40 PM    
Hello Folks, please forgive me for what might seem a very basic question, but while trying to download a film last night, the download stopped at 7% and had been very slow taking about an hour and a half to reach 7%, and at any time during the download there were only one or two peers listed. I noticed the timed out notifacation on one of the peers after the download stopped.
Do some torrent sights only allow VIP'S a certain amount of time to download, or does timed out just mean someone has swiched off as you might say. Will i be able to resume the download at a later date.
by Pete on 2014/09/02 08:03:39 AM    
Each time Tixati tries to connect to a peer, it waits for a couple of seconds for an answer (the default is 16s). If the time is up and there's no answer, the "Timed out connecting" status is displayed. If everything is OK on your end, you are able to connect to at least some peers, the time out usually means that a peer: a) turned off his computer or closed Bittorrent program, b) is behind a firewall or NAT that blocks the connection. So most of the time it's not your fault. It is a good idea to configure your firewall and router so that Tixati can receive incoming connections. Read the Optimize Tixati help to learn more about that.

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