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How do you change color of the Details section ?

by merlin617 on 2014/08/26 02:02:43 AM    
Under the 'Details' tab I cannot see how do you change the progress color from black, Thanks
by Guest on 2014/08/26 08:54:31 PM    
I think it's dependent on the system colour scheme (same as system font colour).
by Guest on 2014/08/27 04:14:31 PM    

you can change pratically all colors from the Tixati Setting

1. open "Tixati Settings" dialog box
2. choose "User Interface" then "Custon Colors"
3. from the list at the top, choose "List/Tree Progress Bitfield Foreground"
4. change your color

hope it helps
by Guest on 2014/08/30 11:29:09 AM    
Thanks but its the 'details' foreground color below that I want to change. I have tried everyone of those custom color option but never see this change from black. shown in this picture if you can see it:

by Guest on 2014/10/04 03:12:13 PM    
funnily enough i just came looking for the same thing. changed everything else to how i like and just cant find the option for this. it is just so salient it's annoying. did you ever figure it out?
by Guest on 2014/10/05 10:40:18 PM    
"it's dependent on the system colour scheme"

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