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Whats about a >Delete Torrent and Data option<

by Guest on 2014/08/21 05:01:20 PM    
Whats about a >Delete Torrent and Data option<
linke in uTorrent i found it is very comfortable because
you dont have to enter the Directory and delte the torrent by Hand.

by Pete on 2014/08/21 10:29:10 PM    
It is there, but not on context menu. Select torrents to delete, click the Remove button, select "Remove And Delete Local Files" and confirm.
by jensen on 2014/08/22 08:54:44 AM    
This will only delete data files,not the torrent.
by Guest on 2014/08/22 02:41:06 PM    
Thnaks found it yesterday on my self too. :)
Now i am a tixati user :D
by tioucleh on 2014/08/30 08:50:23 AM    
I also have to delete files by hand, because Tixati does not do it.
I tried all the methods under "File Delete Method" with the same result: the file disappears from Tixati list, but remains on disk (and the torrent file also remains where it was).
It is not useful feature.
by Guest on 2016/10/04 01:47:35 AM    
Under Settings:
You have the option Settings -> Transfers -> Meta-Info ... If you do not save any torrents to begin with. You can always save what you will from the Transfers view.
Right click -> Share -> SAVE .Torrent file
Remember to backup your core.dat for updates or use SETTINGS -> IMPORT/EXPORT
by Guest on 2016/10/10 02:36:30 PM    
There is a REMOVE button at the upper row, START.......STOP.......REMOVE........PROPERTIES

Click REMOVE and then REMOVE AND DELETE LOCAL FILES. (Tixati doesnt even save .torrent files if you dont tell it so)

You can have .torrent files left over because Google Chrome doesnt delete them after launching Tixati, same would be with uTorrent. Its Chrome's fault theres a mess. As it was said, you can set Tixati to delete loaded .torrents immediately in META-INFO tab as Tixati save all the info internaly and doesnt require the .torrent file anymore.

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