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Connections: maximum peer connections per transfer

by Separator on 2013/08/22 08:28:34 AM    
Now „maximum peer connections per transfer“ has minimum possible value 25. That is too much for most cases, especially when slow network connection. How can user reduce the value to 6–10?
by Pete on 2013/08/25 09:31:28 AM    
I'd like lower minimum value too, especially for seeding torrents. Two separate (downloading, seeding) connection limits would be great .
by Doriphor on 2013/08/30 10:15:37 PM    
What's the deal with not allowing numbers from 1 to 100000 or something... There's limitations in many many settings and advanced users could profit from a way bigger degree of freedom. If somebody messes their settings up, just reset them and start over, no big deal, what is Tixati trying to protect us from?
by Sporadea on 2013/09/19 02:23:03 PM    
Well, has any progress been made for the request? The value 25 in maximum peer connections causes very annoying results, maybe the most (except queue managing).

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