by Guest on 2014/08/14 01:31:39 PM
I am having issues where the last 7 torrents I downloaded were corrupted once they finished downloading. So I investigated further.
I have them automatically move once they finished to another folder on the same hard drive.
Default settings to include Fast Allocate file allocation, directly move file if possible checked.
I also tested with Directly move file not checked and Auto move disabled.
Forced Recheck on torrents while downloading often resulted in loss of 2-4% completion.
Forced Recheck on torrents after downloading often resulted in loss of 4-8% completion sometimes as much as 30% lost.
64 bit does not work
Tixati Windows 64 v1.96
However 32 bit works (tested with Fast Allocate selected; Directly move file checked and not checked; as well as Auto move disabled and enabled.)