by Guest on 2014/07/21 12:31:20 PM
So i tend to download multiple torrents at once, and i was wonder is it possible to do like a scheduled download
for example i have torrents a, b, and c,
i want c to be downloaded first, then a right after c is down, and then b a month from now (no idea why you would do it but lets say for a example)
now the reason for this is that it downloads faster when one torrent is focused on, however when sleeping, or busy the moment torrent c is done 3-12 hours pass by before you notice this its down, and now it will take another 3-12 hours to download torrent a
Maybe a option whether or not to start seeding after downloading, now i dont ask because im ungrateful for those who do seed, but me like other, dont own our own internet or dont have a private line for only use, so we cant seed without getting yelled at for doing it