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Ability to skip hash checks when torrents added.

by Bonza on 2025/02/19 03:54:38 PM    
So hello, i'm thinking to move on Tixati from qBit and faced that there no option to decline hash checks like in other clients. The problem is that i already have 8tb of torrents and i sure that all of them are complete, but forced recheck of that volume can take a couple of days. Peoples here also talked about that problem since 2015 so is it still that hard to implement?
by Guest on 2025/02/19 08:51:10 PM    
by Guest on 2025/02/19 08:54:17 PM    
First be clear, hash check is necessary before upload.

Import a completed torrent and flag files as unchecked&completed, it's OK torrent does not upload now.
Then, hash check could be activated when uploading pieces if there is a unchecked&completed flag.

Files' unchecked&completed flag will not be removed except forced recheck manually, even all pieces has been checked in uploading.


Any problem? Seems working.
by Bonza on 2025/02/20 07:08:49 AM    
by Guest on 2025/02/19 08:54:17 PM
Bro, i don't need any hash checks in my case either not before not after adding because files already downloaded completely.
by Guest on 2025/02/20 06:33:38 PM    
Bro, i don't need any hash checks in my case either not before not after adding because files already downloaded completely.
Tixati can not just 'take your word' that the file is complete. It has to check at some point.
by Guest on 2025/02/21 02:30:44 AM    
Bro, i don't need any hash checks in my case either not before not after adding because files already downloaded completely.

I means that: if there is no upload happend, it does not have to hash check, or will check the uploading pieces (not the whole file/torrent).

Hash check ensure that bad data will not be uploaded.

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