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[Feature Request] - IP Filtered by XYZ Filter

by Guest on 2025/02/07 08:53:43 PM    
I have many filters on my IP FILTER list and sometimes this blocks more than it should. It would be very usefull to know what "rule"/ipfilter filtered some ip/tracker to adjust the filter lists. It could just appear on the same message as "Destination IP filtered (48899)" by |FilterName| on trackers or "IP Filtered" by |FilterName| on Peers, in case it's easy to implement.
Many thanks!
by notaLamer on 2025/02/11 01:09:37 PM    
+1, reimplementing IP search logic based on a list of subnets is tedious. I think a simpler "Find corresponding IP blocklist" feature in IP Filter or Peer list context menu would be enough too.

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