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Translation errors

by termos49 on 2025/01/28 09:36:46 PM    
Здравствуйте! Уже которую версию подряд, наблюдается ошибка в переводе интерфейса программы. В разделе передачи,
столбики входящей/исходящей скорости, отображается неверно. В обеих столбиках стоит обозначение *БАЙТЫ ИСХОДЯЩИЕ*. Есть
скриншот, не знаю, как добавить. У меня русскоязычная версия программы.


Hello! For several versions in a row, there is an error in the translation of the program interface. In the Transfer section, incoming/outgoing speed bars are displayed incorrectly. In both columns there is the designation *OUTGOING BYTES*. Eat screenshot, I don't know how to add it. I have a Russian version of the program.
by termos49 on 2025/01/30 08:24:48 PM    
by Guest on 2025/01/31 04:20:23 AM    
Change it in your translation file and then re-load that file into tixati.
by Guest on 2025/02/01 04:41:11 PM    
Note that replacing/overwriting the translation file is not enough, Tixati will not reload the translation (extremely annoying when doing the translation and testing changes). For the changes in the file to take effect, you need to disable translation, confirm the dialog saying changes will take effect after restart, re-enable translation, confirm again and then restart Tixati. Pretty stupid behavior and completely breaks upgrades. But the whole translation machinery is one big disaster that doesn't allow proper translation, not to mention that even the recently updated language file is still missing tons of strings, so not exactly surprising. Really don't know why they didn't use gettext instead of some half-assed NIH solution.
by notaLamer on 2025/02/02 07:25:20 PM    
https://github.com/wvxwxvw/translation/tree/main  -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wvxwxvw/translation/refs/heads/main/Tixati-ru-220711-wvxwxvw.txt

This version has correct IN/OUT. This translation is a little out of date, but mostly complete. I will devote some time later to make a catalog of known available translations.

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