by Guest on 2025/01/18 12:34:23 PM
I am experiencing a problem with Tixati that has persisted for several weeks. Previously, my downloads were very fast for years, but for at least the last three versions, my download speeds have been capped at 5 to 10 KB/s.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Tixati, as well as resetting the settings to default, but the issue continues. This morning, I reluctantly installed a new client, qBittorrent, and I am getting optimal performance with the default settings (iso Kubuntu downloaded at 19 MB/s).
Before I decide to abandon Tixati, which I have greatly appreciated, I would like to know if there is a solution to completely uninstall Tixati and clean all settings that might exist in the registry. This way, I could make one last attempt with a clean installation.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Best regards,
by Guest on 2025/01/21 02:39:59 AM
If everything worked OK, and now doesn't, and it's the same for all torrents, and no external firewall or speed limiter or extra smart traffic capturing VPN client has been installed or updated, most likely some setting is totally wrong, and is limiting the client.
Most obvious case is pushing the Auto Speed button without meaning it, and without reviewing its settings. Turn it off.
Then there are general speed limits. Those are obviously visible on graphs, etc.
Then there are specific torrent speed limits. Check that they are unset. Maybe you've used categories for your torrents, and erroneously set some limit?
Then there are more obscure settings. For example, limit of peer connections, or limit of connection attempts. If they are set too small (by accident or misunderstanding), you will have to wait for a long time until Tixati goes through all (possibly inaccessible) peers on all the torrents to find working ones.
You can try to rename settings.dat, and see what happens on the next start. You can make a full backup of Tixati data directory.
You can also easily compare the default values for all the settings with the current ones by running a portable Tixati side-by-side. Copy Tixati executable file to any temporary (empty) directory, create an empty tixati_local_instance_check.txt file next to it, then start the executable. You should see a second client window with no torrents, and default settings.