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Pros and cons of various I2P apps for Tixati

by Bugmagnet on 2025/01/16 11:06:55 PM    
Support says: "You can download a fairly simple I2P client called i2pd.  It's website is https://i2pd.website/.   We don't have anything to do with it's development, so do your own due diligence before installing it.  The original I2P client (Java-based) is available from https://geti2p.net/en/.   There are also other clients available, easily findable using any search engine."

So, calling all geeks who are familiar with I2P.

Is there a particular one recommended from your experience?  And Why?

What are the pros and cons of the ones commonly available?

Is anyone particularly recommended for use with Tixati?
by Guest on 2025/01/18 10:56:48 PM    
I have used both Java I2P and I2Pd. I generally recommend Java I2P if you aren't sure. Java I2P is more user friendly and has more features in its webUI. I2Pd has a very minimal webUI and requires editing a config file. The main benefit of I2Pd is that it is written in C++ and has lower CPU/RAM usage than Java I2P.

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