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Disable "Delete file" prompt

by pierogial on 2025/01/06 12:21:24 AM    
Until the last update, when I wanted to delete a torrent w/ files, I'd just right click that torrent and navigate the menu:
Context Menu => Local Files => Delete
The files were then moved to the recycle bin without prompting. After the last update, I have to re-confirm every time if I want to delete the local files when I click "delete local files".

I can't find the option to disable this prompt in the program settings. It's probably that I'm a bit blind, I apologise for that. Could someone tell me how to disable this prompt?
by Guest on 2025/01/06 01:22:49 AM    
You must be using Windows.
From the news page:
• removed support for sending removed transfer files to trash on Windows version due to bad fallback behavior in API

If the trash is full or not big enough when you send something to the trash it will be deleted instead.

This behavior may change for the next version.

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