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Feature Request

by Guest on 2025/01/02 02:24:07 AM    
Hey, i have 2 feature requests. one of which I'm surprised after 10 years of using Tixati.

the one I'm surprised isn't a thing yet is sorting by clicking column header (both trackers and downloads). sometimes i have a list going and i (and likely others) would like to click the column header to sort (whether alphabetically or by progress or speed) and for the trackers it would be handy to at least sort by tracker status. sometimes some downloads have a list of trackers and some don't connect (timeout/host not found/etc) and i tend to remove those ones after a couple attempts. sorting by status and mass select the group would be much more convenient than picking them out of a scattered list. (auto-remove would be handy but i can see where trackers that timed out still may connect)

the 2nd feature (which I'm less hopeful for) is, when i quit using utorrent 10 years ago and switch to Tixati I missed (and still miss) the Download bar i was able to have overlay all my other windows showing me the torrent name and progress (pretty much what Tixati shows on the transfers tab) so i could watch my download without having to switch back to the client from whatever i was doing to check on it. again less hopeful, but would be cool. Nothing to switch back for, i haven't in 10 years and i still don't have any plans to.
by Guest on 2025/01/02 12:40:14 PM    
on the transfers tab press the layout button and select sortable view.
now you can sort the columns in the transfers window.
i don't think you can sort trackers, they are sorted by number/order.

if you hover over the tray icon you can see how your downloads/seeding is doing.
or you can look at the properties window for a torrent and watch that. and you can re-size that window to fit your needs.
by Guest on 2025/01/04 08:32:43 PM    
hey thanks for that tip on the transfers. for the OP, i agree sorting tracker by clicking the status column header should be possible as this is a thing in several other clients as well but for some reason not this one? with things like DHT the list of trackers doesn't need to be lengthy enough where picking and choosing should be that big of a problem.

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