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Applying category when adding torrent via web UI doesn't apply c

by Guest on 2024/12/31 04:04:27 PM    
As part of my workflow, I add magnet links to Tixati via a script that POSTs to the web interface (/transfers/action).  This works great.  As part of this submission, I add a category to these torrents (call it "auto" for auto-added).  Note that the category is added by including "&category=xxx" in the request, where xxx is not the plain text category name, but some lengthy hex identifier that I gathered by examining the submission when done in a browser through the web UI.  Anyway, it also works great, with the torrents (seemingly) added to the right category when I look in the Tixati client.

Next, I set the category to move completed torrents to a different location than the normal (e.g., uncategorized) default.  When I manually assign a torrent to this category, this works as expected, with the completed torrent moving to the different location.

However, the above two pieces don't seem to work together.  When a torrent is added via the POSTing method, it *is* added to the "auto" category, but it is *not* moved to the different location upon completion.

This _seems_ like a bug in how the categories are assigned, but it's also possible I'm doing something wrong.

Any suggestions of what I might be doing wrong or how else to achieve the desired goal of having my auto-added torrents end up somewhere different from my manually-added torrents?

by Guest on 2024/12/31 04:06:52 PM    
I forgot to mention that if I take an auto-added torrent, move it out of the "auto" category, then move it back in, it successfully moves to the alternate destination upon completion, although, of course, taking this extra step defeats the purpose...

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