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Crash: Set dl-location for magnet-links

by Guest on 2024/12/28 11:50:27 AM    
Hey guys! Just wanted to report a bug.
In the former version you could set the dl-location for magnet-links (hash-links....). This is now only possible, when the metadata has been retrieved. For me, it's a bit of an inconvenience, since I like to manually set some files I want to grab later for certain folders beforehand...

Anyway: Thx for Tixati! Been using it for years and really think it's the best torrent-programm!

by Guest on 2025/01/04 07:57:43 AM    
adding a reply to hopefully bump this up I am also experiencing the same issue since updating
by janet on 2025/01/04 03:39:31 PM    
This is being worked on and should be fixed for the next version.

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