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Hide protocol bytes in transfers' bytes columns - missing in v3.

by Pete on 2024/12/23 10:59:30 PM    

There was an option in earlier versions to hide protocol bytes in transfers view B/s IN B/s OUT. I was using it for as long as I use Tixati. In the latest version 3.31 I couldn't find this option anymore.

It was located in Tixati Settings > User Interface > Output Formatting: "Transfer B/s Display - File Only", "Peer B/s Display - File Only" and "Peer In/Out Bytes Display - File Only". All this options had an alternative "File + Protocol". It was useful to clear information clutter from transfers and peers lists - I could see immediately which were active. Protocol traffic doesn't really interest me. It makes seeing active transfers or peers harder.

Please consider adding this options back to Tixati. Thank You.
by kostet on 2024/12/24 09:36:34 AM    
Also add customizing update delay (1 second is too frequently).

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