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Wrong Bit field

by Guest on 2024/12/21 08:24:48 PM    
Why can't we connect to french users. Getting a "Received unexpected bitfield" message
by Guest on 2024/12/22 11:43:08 PM    
what OS and version of tixati?
I doubt it is just french users.
post a link to the torrent file or post the magnet link if this always happens with this torrent.
where are you seeing this error?
by Guest on 2024/12/24 03:03:38 PM    
I have the same issue - "received unexpected bitfield" - the message shows off on UDP plain connections not encrypted, from users from Russia, France and other countries it is filtering by ip country blocks?

I have latest version of Tixati, Tixati v.3.31.

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