by Guest on 2024/12/19 06:13:18 AM
Roughly 5% through downloading a folder file with 4 discrete video files and one text nfo file that was disregarded (set to not download), I switched to ordered priority. All four files were roughly at 5% complete individually, too. All four video files downloaded properly with no errors reported (tixati or disk errors).
The first file which was ordered #1 (as this changes once #1 is completed and #2 is promoted to #1 and so on) turned out to be a junk file. This was validated by checking that file, an mkv video file, with MediaInfo v23.06. MediaInfo reported nothing about the video or audio or metadata content of the mkv file. The other three files were fine by the same measure.
I downloaded the same torrent again, but I turned off every file except the one that failed to download properly the first time. This time, there was no issue once it was downloaded. So, the file itself wasn't inherently bad. MediaInfo reported all the pertinent metrics and metadata of the mkv and the file played just fine.
Therefore, it seems there might be an issue as of Tixati 3.29 with ordered priority messing up on the first file numbered #1 (maybe in the special case when ordered priority is turned on after default priority was first set). Tixati rarely creates any issues for me, so I felt it necessary to report this potential bug so that it can be addressed. I realize that there's a version 3.31 now. I don't have the time to recreate this issue on that version or even to recreate it on v3.29. I believe that I've given every salient detail to recreate it if others also report an issue with ordered priority.
Thanks for this software and happy holidays to the developers
by Guest on 2024/12/20 07:09:14 AM
What OS?
Is there only one torrent that does that?
Post a link to the torrent or post the magnet link of the torrent with the problem.
I use ordered download quite often on win7 and linux, and I have never noticed this behavior.
by Guest on 2024/12/29 11:08:53 PM
Sorry for the late reply.
I'm using Windows 11, latest build.
This is the only torrent on which I noticed this issue. As I said, I didn't bother reproducing it. I only felt like reporting it was necessary because Tixati hasn't really behaved erratically for me in years of using it.
Again, refer to the conditions that caused the issue. The torrent was already downloading at default priority and was ~5% complete before I switched it to ordered priority (without pausing or stopping the torrent to do so).
Here's the magnet:
(Link removed by Mod and sent to Devs)
It's still well seeded. Remember, initial conditions for me were I didn't choose to download the .txt file but did choose all four video files.
by Guest on 2024/12/30 07:00:25 PM
Yes, they were ordered 1-4 respective to episodes 1-4. The first file ordered #1, meaning the first episode, failed. Again, failure in this case meant it downloaded properly as far as Tixati reported, but the file itself was junk, unrecognizable by MediaInfo. More details in the first post if you would like to refer back