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Does Tixati support the Bittorrent DHT Security extension?

by Guest on 2024/12/14 05:22:01 AM    
Hello Kevin Hearn and friends, I am wondering if Tixati already supports the Bittorrent DHT Security extension as specified in BEP 42, and if Tixati already does support BEP 42 can I set Tixati to require the DHT Security Extension and to kick any nodes that do not support it? If not than I would like to make a feature request to support the BEP 42 Security Extension.

Thank you very much for your attention,
All the best,
by notaLamer on 2024/12/16 11:31:49 AM    
To my understanding this is not mitigating the most common attack vector (selective surveillance of few infohashes of interest) and has many drawbacks. To combat the former I suggest you to collect the IP Filter lists spread on these forums and add them to block any data/DHT communication with these peers in Tixati.
by Guest on 2025/02/13 06:34:51 PM    
post ip filter lists in forum post in tixati user channel

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