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Unconfirmed incoming port

by dwpsco on 2014/06/30 04:14:34 AM    
Okay I'm running Taxis and a windows 2008 server platform. behind a pfSense 2.1.3 Firewall, I've tried everything I can think of to clear this message but admittedly I'm a thick fool :D so does anyone know what I can do to clear this?  My out going B/S is where I would expect it since I have a 512K limit set.
by Sailor24 on 2014/07/01 06:56:46 AM    
Try going to portforward dot com. Your issue is incoming connections. The term that will be most useful is "port forwarding" for your searches. It is likely a firewall issue, but I don't know that firewall, you may want to search their forum. It could also be be an issue if you are using a modem and router, they each act as a firewall. Normally you need to set the modem to bridged. Could be that your router is not configured to forward the port.
Try going to the first suggestion and download the software to check the open port, the free one, don't buy the auto set up it is easy to do manually.
 Then come back and give all the details of what gets you to the internet.

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