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Taxati and Proton VPN. Use the VPN without running the VPN on my

by wallofchaos on 2024/10/20 11:19:09 AM    
I saw other post about this. but that was for NordVPN. and whoever didn't wanna help because of that I think is what happened.

Anyway. I have Proton VPN, I don't REALLY want to run the proton VPN on my whole connection if its possible to
setup Tixati for use with Proton this way.

Not sure how to test whether I have it setup properly or not.

I see the IPV4 address has a new option when I have the VPN actually running.

Under the IPv4 Address or Interface I click the 3 dots. and there are 3 things I can select. one is an Address That resembles a Registry key.
Then my actual network adapter is shown.
Then an IP address, Internet network

Ipv6 has a BUNCH of stuff.

I'm assuming we're going to work on IPV4.

Now. I've fired up the VPN and i have new options Another address that resembles a registry key again 2nd line says = Wireguard Tunnel, 3rd line =

What I am ASSUMING is I would select the registry key looking number on the 2nd portion of the IPv4 when I have the VPN enabled.

Then Tixati would then use that address even if the VPN APP isnt active?

Side note. With the VPN running. my IPV6 in th connections tab of Tixati only has the 3 items. Registry looking address, Software Loopback Interface 1 and the 3rd line reads= ::1

Any help? I hope ive explained well enough. =\

Thanks a bunch.

Sorry I am really new to setting this up. If this is too much to understand and would just be a hell of a lot easier to run the VPN app. I guess i would just have to remember to run in anytime I need it.
But that is the reason for this post. To avoid the MIstake of accidently Doing something without firing up the VPN.

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