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Version 3.29 Broke Mouse Wheel Scrolling On Linux

by Guest on 2024/10/19 09:18:25 PM    
Pretty much what the title says...updating to version 3.29 seems to have broken mouse wheel scrolling on Linux (Debian 12), under certain exotic conditions.  To get around certain uncool practices, I have been using VNC (x11vnc) to connect in to the seedbox to manage it.  Mouse wheel scrolling through VNC worked fine in version 3.25, but it stopped working when I upgraded to Tixati 3.29.  Mouse wheel scrolling through VNC continues to work in other applications on the seedbox, and a physical mouse connected to the seedbox also still works in Tixati.  It's just the virtual mouse through VNC that seems to be the problem.

A bit of investigation with xinput indicates that scroll events are being processed correctly, and the continued functioning of mouse wheel scrolling in other applications on the seedbox seems to bear that out.

Here is the xinput output (button press events 4 and 5 are mouse wheel scroll events):

$ xinput list
\u23a1 Virtual core pointer                    id=2
\u239c   \u21b3 Virtual core XTEST pointer              id=4
\u239c   \u21b3 Nuvoton w836x7hg Infrared Remote Transceiverid=17
\u23a3 Virtual core keyboard                   id=3
   \u21b3 Virtual core XTEST keyboard             id=5
   \u21b3 Power Button                            id=6
   \u21b3 Video Bus                               id=7
   \u21b3 Power Button                            id=8
   \u21b3 Sleep Button                            id=9
   \u21b3 Nuvoton w836x7hg Infrared Remote Transceiverid=20

$ xinput test 4
button press   4
button release 4
motion a[0]=1342 a[1]=452
motion a[0]=1341 a[1]=452
motion a[0]=1341 a[1]=453
motion a[0]=1341 a[1]=454
motion a[0]=1340 a[1]=454
motion a[0]=1340 a[1]=455
motion a[0]=1340 a[1]=456
motion a[0]=1340 a[1]=457
motion a[0]=1339 a[1]=458
motion a[0]=1339 a[1]=459
button press   5
button release 5

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