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Force Announce more often

by Guest on 2024/10/07 01:04:06 AM    
If I have multiple torrents going, I always have to select the next torrent and manually force announce to get the next one started

Sometimes they start but its after a long period of time

Is there a way to force reannounce automatically/more often?
by notaLamer on 2024/10/12 12:15:22 PM    
I've noticed this too, especially if Tixati is starved for outgoing connections on peers (setting). You tell that this happens to trackers too? As far as I understood, the most recent versions improved a little bit in this regard. Although other clients are still "quicker" to start. I remember reading old utorrent was infamously aggressive at connections and reconnections.
by Guest on 2025/03/04 11:55:00 AM    
Has there been an answer to this?

So frustrating I have to manually announce to get a torrent started, otherwise in most cases it nevers starts.


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