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Self Connectd

by Guest on 2024/10/06 02:04:34 AM    
I keep getting this message in the status field. Why?  There is no reason for anyone to self-connect to my Tixati account.  Please explain and have your IT people delete this option.  Thank you.
by notaLamer on 2024/10/12 12:13:17 PM    
Bittorrent is a p2p protocol. From other peers you've found that there's someone at someIP:port. Tixati sees this is a global internet address and is not owned directly by your computer. It tries to connect to it and it turns out, the connection was routed right back to you. A self-connect.

This is THE RECOMMENDED behavior for routers/ISPs to redirect your own connections to your publicly facing IP (only visible on router itself, if lucky) back to you. Tixati correctly handles this and is simply this much verbose to tell you that. Other torrent clients prefer to hide this information.

The best Tixati could do is to temporarily remember the self-connect address to ignore it until shutdown. It's actually worse if the self-connect doesn't work, because other peers will tell you someIP:port peer exists, and Tixati will keep infinitely trying to connect but always time out. If this IP is reasonably static, I suggest you to ignore yourself as a peer.

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