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REQUEST: configure time left precision

by Guest on 2024/10/04 01:31:08 PM    
I want to bump  a request I made some years ago on this forum, so far ignored. It's a simple thing, but would make so much difference to an already busy interface.

The current display of time left on a torrent is pointlessly precise. Giving all Days/Hours/Minutes/Seconds is farcical. Only the first two are significant, perhaps even only the first. Seconds are only worth displaying for maybe the last 5 or 10 minutes of a download. Download speeds, and the availability of remote peers, are just too variable to make any more precision than Days/Hours, or Hours/Minutes, or Minutes/Seconds meaningful.

There's almost no extra coding required to fix this. Instead of dumping your already highly questionable estimate straight out to a very dumb time conversion display routine, just show the first two levels of significance only. If it's not acceptable as a default, then please add it as a configurable setting - there are already so many ways to tweak the display now, why not this one?

It just looks so foolish (and amateurish actually) to display a time left with days or many hours to run and still compute/show the minutes/seconds. Please spend 10 minutes on this and fix it.

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