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Most of downloads gone from Transfers window. Actual files still

by Guest on 2024/09/23 01:56:58 PM    
I successfully use Tixati for several years now and accumulated quite a lot of downloads. I always update to the newest version once it shows up on site. Currently it is v3.29 portable edition (always used portable, app and downloads are kept on removable SSD), used on 64 bit Windows 11. Unpleasant surprise, launching Tixati today and seeing most of my downloads (about ¾) gone from Transfers window. Only the oldest transfers (dated 2021-2022) are still there. Everything after January 2022 is gone. The downloaded files are not affected, everything seems to be intact and at the same locations where it was. Categories and settings also seem up to date. Everything except actual transfers. Years ago I had similar experience with uTorrrent and that made me move to Tixati. But in that case I lost all transfers. Now seeing about ¼ still available I hope there is a way to bring all of them back.
by Anoid on 2024/09/25 07:11:07 PM    
I dump the torrent files on in a while so I can move downloads to another machine etc
by Guest on 2024/09/28 11:38:38 AM    
> app and downloads are kept on removable SSD
I hope you know you have to be really careful make sure all the caches are written correctly before removal of a removable drive.

Is there anything in Windows journals about filesystem or disk read/write errors? Study the backlog.

Check the Tixati directory. There are various database files and their backup copies (*.lastloadok.dat), probably with earlier dates. The idea is that the moment you encounter a catastrophic data failure, you shut down or kill the Tixati process, then delete the relevant broken files, or overwrite them with backups. If you've started and stopped the program multiple times, it is possible that the correct backup has already been overwritten with current state.

Also check your disk, you never know when SSDs go to heaven.

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